Theoretical basis for cell deaths
Yusuke Himeoka, Shuhei A. Horiguchi, and Tetsuya J. Kobayashi
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043217, (2024)
Press release (JP, EN)
Commantary (JP)
Perturbation-response analysis of in silico metabolic dynamics:
Hard-coded responsiveness in the cofactor and network sparsity
Yusuke Himeoka and Chikara Furusawa
eLife (Reviewed Preprint), (2024)
Evolution of hierarchy and irreversibility in theoretical cell differentiation model
Yoshiyuki T. Nakamura, Yusuke Himeoka, Nen Saito, and Chikara Furusawa
PNAS Nexus, 3, 1, 454, (2023)
Roles of network topology in the relaxation dynamics of simple chemical reaction network models
Yusuke Himeoka, Julius B. Kirkegaard,
Namiko Mitarai, and Sandeep Krishna
Scientific Reports, 14, 22187, (2024)
Emergence of growth and dormancy
from a kinetic model of the Escherichia coli central carbon metabolism
Yusuke Himeoka, and Namiko Mitarai
Physical Review Research 4, 043223 (2022)
Distinct survival, growth lag, and ribosomal RNA degradation kinetics
during long-term starvation for carbon or phosphate
Yusuke Himeoka, Bertil Gummesson,
Michael A. Sørensen, Sine Lo Svenningsen, and Namiko Mitarai
mSphere, e01006-21., (2022)
When to wake up? The optimal waking-up strategies
for starvation-induced persistence
Yusuke Himeoka, and Namiko Mitarai
PLoS Computational Biology, 17(2):e1008655, (2021)
Dynamics of bacterial populations under the feast-famine cycles
Yusuke Himeoka, and Namiko Mitarai
Physical Review Research, 2, (2020), 013372
Modeling slow-processing of toxin messenger RNAs in type-I Toxin-Antitoxin systems:
post-segregational killing and noise filtering
Yusuke Himeoka, and Namiko Mitarai
Physical Biology, 16, (2019), 026001
Epigenetic Ratchet: Spontaneous Adaptation via Stochastic Gene Expression
Yusuke Himeoka, and Kunihiko Kaneko
Scientific Reports, 10, 459, (2020)
Theory for Transitions Between Exponential and Stationary Phases:
Universal Laws for Lag Time
Yusuke Himeoka, and Kunihiko Kaneko
Enzyme oscillation can enhance the thermodynamic efficiency of cellular metabolism: consequence of anti-phase coupling between reaction flux and affinity
Yusuke Himeoka, and Kunihiko Kaneko
Entropy production of a steady-growth cell with catalytic reactions
Yusuke Himeoka, and Kunihiko Kaneko
Phys. Rev. E 90, 042714 (2014)